Friday, 26 November 2010

Thank you

There are several different ways to say thank you. You can say it in different languages, with gestures, with different words but at the end of the day does it really matter how you say it?

We are taught from a young age to mind our manners and to say please and thank you. So it is something truly engrained within us. It is something we never forget. But can these simple words be enough. Two words, that is all they are; and they are the same for every situation.

I've been thinking recently about what I am thankful for. The Americans celebrate thanksgiving giving those two words a day of their own but why is it only one day. They can mean so much and show the true gratitude of a person. I think it is easy for me to quickly rattle of things that I am thankful for but once I really think about it, it comes down to the major things that have shaped me. That sounds selfish and rather corny but oh well.

So what am I thankful for?
Firstly, my wonderful parents. They were there through thick and thin, supporting me in everything. Without them I couldn't have got to where I am today and where I will go in the future. It is down to them that I am the person to them and I could never thank them enough.
Secondly, to friends and family I am grateful. For those who have stood me year after year, put up with me and shown me laughter. Again I could not be who I am without them.
Thirdly, I am thankful for my experiences. Good or bad they have allowed me learn something new. Without these experiences I would have no good memories to bring me joy or bad memories to make me sad. It is only through these experiences that I have grown and will continue to grow.
Finally, I am thankful for where I am now. That I am in Mostar, that I have found people all over the world, that I can travel, that I am doing something worthwhile. I feel torn between places and people but it's worth every second.

So, what more can I say but thank you. Truly and utterly, thank you.

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