Tuesday, 31 August 2010


So I've spent a week in Mostar!! And so far I love it. It's a really amazing place and the people here are really great. Here is a quick summary of the first week -

Day 1
Woke up very early, then straight of to Gatwick. Checking in went fine except my hand luggage was to big, but it all got sorted. We touched down in Dubrovnik where we were met by Damir (a local second year). We picked up Claudia (a spanish co-year) and drove to Mostar. Dubrovnik is really stunning. We got to Mostar and were taking to our residences to settle in and unpack.

Day 2
We headed to the school and had a quick tour.Then we explored the to Abrasevik (a community centre) for the welcoming ceremony. A big thank you to the second years for what was an impression performance! Afterwards we went to sit under Old Bridge.

Day 3
Another early morning and a maths test. We also went on a tour of hotspots in Mostar, this took us to the Cave, which is a bar in a cave right by the river! Afterwards we went to the swimming pool! A lot of fun and so nice to get in the cool water. In the evening we went to Abrasevik for a party. Everyone was singing and dancing. The Brits sang Valerie!!

Day 4
things begin to get more serious as we have talks about the Code of Conduct. We then head to Old Man's (a cafe) for a barbecue. We also went to the river for a swim. Really nice jumping in to the cool water. We all swam across the river which was difficult because of the strong current but we made it! In the evening a few of us went to sit under Old Bridge before meeting people at Coco Loco.

Day 5
Another serious morning about subject choices. I have decided to take English A1 (mother tongue), Chemistry, Physics at Higher Level (HL) and Maths, German B (second language), History at Standard Level (SL). We all went to Susac in the afternoon for the "Youth Olympics", where we played a few games. After a bit of football we went back to Musala and I spent the night in the music room.

Day 6
Another morning spent in school as we had talks about CAS. Luckily we have a few days to make our decision as so many of them look appealing!! I had a lazy day and relaxed. In the evening there was a storm which was a welcome change.

Day 7
Today was the first assembly, and it was pretty dull. Then we had our tutor group meetings followed by a coach trip to Kravice. Kravice is a beautiful place, and we swam climbed and messed about in the water. It was really lovely. We headed home in the evening and spent the night relaxing as lessons start tomorrow.

So that was the first week! And really the only bad thing is the heat!! It is way to hot for Welsh skin. I'm getting more used to it but it is still too hot!

here are a few photos from the first week -

The Gymnasium

Room 5 - My Corner

The Goal

Monday, 23 August 2010

Bon Voyage

So the day has finally come for me to leave Cardiff. Tomorrow I fly to Bosnia. The time has gone by so quickly, I really don't know where it went. This week in particular has flown by. As well as packing, saying goodbye, sorting things out I have also picked up my GCSE results. All in all a very stressful week!
But luckily my results weren't too bad. Everything is now ready to go!

Now the suitcase is packed, not with the piles upon piles of clothing I initially thought were essential but with a more suitable option. I have also discovered that vacuum bags are the way forward for travelling with lots of clothes! After much shoving and squeezing all that needs to go, fits into a small black rectangle.

It deffinatley hasn't sunk in that I am going to Bosnia and won't be home until Christmas. I think I'm just too excited to think about leaving. I said goodbye to some of my friends today, and they gave me an amazing calender filled with all our photographs. I love it. I've also had lovely letters wishing me good luck from an assortment of friends and family. It really is appreciated.

Today, the phone has been ringing constantly. Everyone wanting to know my results and to wish me luck before I go. You would think I was never coming back! But it is a really nice feeling to know how much people care. I also went to see Murphy, I'm going to miss him so much. It's not only him I'm giving up but 12 years of horse riding. Still it hasn't hit me that I'm leaving it behind. Maybe once everything has settled down and I have calmed down I'll be able to let it sink in.

So, this is my last post, for a while, from Britain. Thank you to everyone for your support and well, everything!

Friday, 13 August 2010

Rydw i'n byw yng Nghymru.

Recently, I have been thinking about where I have come from. Trying to understand what makes Wales the place it is. The place that is in my blood, the place that I have lived for 16 years and the place I am about to leave. When talking about Wales, the usual stuff comes to mind - leeks, daffodils, rugby, the dragon, male voice choirs etc. But there is more to this place.

The National Anthem, I think, shows at least a little of Welsh pride and spirit:

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri;
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mâd,
Tros ryddid gollasant eu gwaed.

Gwlad, Gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad,
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau,
O bydded i'r heniaith barhau.

Hen Gymru fynyddig, paradwys y bardd,
Pob dyffryn, pob clogwyn, i'm golwg sydd hardd;
Trwy deimlad gwladgarol, mor swynol yw si
Ei nentydd, afonydd, i mi.

Os treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwlad dan ei droed,
Mae hen iaith y Cymry mor fyw ag erioed,
Ni luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad,
Na thelyn berseiniol fy ngwlad.

Translates to:

The old land of my fathers is dear to me,
A land of poets and singers, famous people of renown
Its brave warriors, great patriots,
For freedom they lost their blood

Country, country, I'm partial to my country,
While the sea is a wall for the pure, dear country,
O may the "old language" continue

Old mountainous Wales, paradise of the poet,
Every valley, every cliff is beautiful in my sight;
Through patriotic feeling, more enchanting is the murmur
Of her streams and rivers to me.

If the enemy violated my country underfoot,
The "old language" of the Welsh is alive as ever,
The spirit wasn't hindered by the awful, treacherous hand
Nor the sweet harp of my country.

I don't think I can really understand my country until I leave it. As they absence makes the heart fonder. Maybe then I will be able to tell you about what makes Wales the place it is.

Monday, 9 August 2010

How Did I Get Here?

I thought I had better explain how I have got to this stage. First of all there was the application form to be completed. This consisted of a few questions about my life now and what I wanted in the future. Then, there was an essay question on UWC. All with word restrictions. The application took over a month to complete and a lot of stress. You had to try and say all that you wanted to say without using many words whilst also trying to show who you are. The hardest part, I found, was 'bigging myself up', you have to try and sell your self which is a very difficult skill. Some people come across as conceited where as others don't even get noticed. It's all about finding that perfect balance, and that's not easy. After asking a lot of people for advice, much research and numerous drafts the application was sent off!

Then comes the most agonizing part of the process. Waiting. Lots and lots of waiting. I rushed home every day to check the post and checked my email at every opportunity. Finally, that white envelope hits the door mat. Heart in hand, I opened it. Tears, lots and lots of tears. I hadn't made the next stage. Knocked out at round one. So many feelings of disappointment and doubt. After a week of sulking I got a very surprising phone call. I had been sent the wrong letter! At once I was jumping around the room with a big grin stuck on my face. So a couple of weeks later details about my interview came. It was to be at Atlantic College (AC). An overnight stay at Hogwarts, it goes without saying that I was very excited.

Finally, after some preparation, the day came to go to the interview. The interview was only 20 minutes long and it was the only nerve wrecking part of the experience. The rest was great fun. Lots of games were played, there was debates and discussions and tasks to get you thinking. There was a lot of time to talk, to students, alumni and fellow hopefuls. As well as a great party in the evening to unwind. The interview was a really great experience!

Then comes more dreadful waiting! You return to neurotic habit of checking post and your email inbox several times a day. Then another letter comes. Unfortunately, Mum got to this one first and the look says it all. I didn't make the cut. Disappointed yet again, but at least I got to go to the interview. Life goes on, with less sulking this time. I made plans to go to Whitchurch High School to study the International Baccalaureate. A few weeks go past and nothing special happens until I get an email. It is a late offer from UWC. A second chance, or is this my third? The problem is it's for a full fee paying place. More disappointment. But some brilliant people stepped forward to offer donations. Suddenly, the opportunity began to be a reality. So here I am. Going to Mostar on the 25th August and I am very excited!